Friday, 29 September 2017

Why Logistic Companies Need Efficient Payroll Software?

The way Human resource department functions in logistics industry has drastically transformed over the years. It is not just about hiring and firing employees, listening to everyone’s grievances, and organizing monthly company events anymore. Efficient time management is one of the prime concerns in logistics industry and HR department is closely related to it.

‘Time’ is ‘Money’ in the logistics industry and here is where the Payroll software comes handy. From monitoring operations to gauging the overall productivity of the employees, payroll software can significantly increase productivity and return of investment (ROI).

Since we have already mentioned that Payroll management is one of the most important jobs in Human resource management; we are going to give you few reasons why you should install Payroll software in your company right now!     

Multitasking is it’s forte 

If there is one word that can certainly define Payroll software then that’s “Multitasking”. With statutory regulations, employee taxes, and efficiency gauging all sorted out, HR department can save a lot of time and invest it on more important matters. By juggling so many tasks in one go this software saves a lot of time and money for delivery companies

Reduces monotonous accounting workload 

Forget about all that tedious work spent on maintaining accounts. The software facilitates automatic entries during payroll runs and all the accounting, deduction, and tax calculations are done on its own. The best part is that its error free and redundant. 

Freedom for both employees and management 

Payroll software comes with employee self service app that helps all the employees to control and access their information. And this reduces a lot of time for HR management. They can easily see their leave balance, deductions, fringe benefits, and tax deductions through their personal profiles. Moreover, the software can process information coming from Air cargo as well.

Besides security, accuracy, and efficient accounting, payroll software gives organizations the benefit to save on time and money.

Monday, 25 September 2017

Biggest Cargo Air Hubs in the World

The industry of cargo and freight has gained a lot of traction in recent years. From transporting consumer goods for the e-commerce industry to contributing in getting military goods and even transporting space shuttles and rocket components, cargo has become an important part of our lives.

With the introduction of new international courier services and the ever expanding fleet of the existing ones, transporting the goods is just one of the components of this industry. The other is having cargo air hubs which provide hangars and also are the ports where the goods are both loaded and dismounted. The best cargo air hubs provide world class facilities like fast refueling and even having storage facilities for excess goods.

CargoCity, Germany

CargoCity is divided into two major areas. CargoCity North is the main base of Lufthansa’s Cargo wing and CargoCity South, which is home to a number of global freight carriers such as the local freight-handling company Fraport. A range of features is available to air cargo companies in CargoCity which include special facilities for express freight, frozen foods, airmail, animals and even hazardous goods. The 9,000m² perishable centre, for instance, offers 20 different climate zones while the 3,750m² animal lounge is one of the world's most advanced animal-handling stations and features 42 large animals stalls and 12 individually climate-controllable chambers.

FedEx Express Super Hub, USA

The FedEx Express Super Hub which is based out of the Memphis International Airport has what is generally considered the largest cargo operation by volume of any airport worldwide. It was established in 1993 and handles approximately 3.3 million packages a day. Spread over five miles, the facility has parking slots for 175 aircraft and 300 miles of conveyor belts. It supports the largest air cargo fleet in the world.

Dubai Cargo Gateway, UAE

Located at the Dubai International Airport, Dubai Cargo Gateway has a total handling capacity of approximately 800,000 tons a year. It is Middle East's first cargo-handling facility to be awarded an ISO 9002 certificate in 1998 and the facility has set about establishing itself as a key location for air cargo goods between Europe and the Far East.