Friday, 9 March 2018

How Fast Is The Warehouse Industry Growing?

There was a time when warehouse industry was considered only a crucial part of manufacturing sector but due to the advent of E-commerce, it has heavily affected the courier and delivery services as well. Be it as big as heavy machinery or something as simple as frozen packed food, warehouse industry takes care of it all.   
Warehousing sector must be growing by leaps and bounds in current scenario but it has not been like that always. All fastest courier services in India and in the world are formed on one basic philosophy: contingency. Most people who use warehousing facilities or store their goods for a longer period of time do it so that they can supply ready-made inventory without depending on their manufacturing units, which might take up a lot of time to meet demands.
Some of the closer predecessors to storage facilities nowadays have to be the Roman horrea, which were rectangular buildings mostly built out of stone and overhanging roofs to keep the interiors cool and dry during any weather. One of the most popular horreas is the Horrea Galbae which was a warehouse complex in the southern part of ancient Rome. It is a brilliant example about the horreas’ being very important for the evolution of modern storage standards. 
Warehouses came into their own when the Industrial revolution took place around the 19th century. European establishments came up with their own good-specific structures, like the cotton warehouses of Manchester or warehouses dedicated to storing only wine or cheese all across the United Kingdom. They were also a precursor to the godowns in India we see today, as the international trading conducted by British nationals lead to the development of overseas warehouses, which became an important part of the Britishers’ success in the East. 
In the current era, warehouses still hold the same value rather even more. Though its role has changed over the years, the crux of the industry remains the same. The entire e-commerce business has flourished because of the warehouse industry. Trust us, even the best courier services in India highly depend upon how the warehouses function. As per the current scenario, the industry is only going to flourish in the future.  

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